Family Bot

Summit's Family Bot , because all families need their own private voice & chat bot!

Conversations between family members occur frequently where mom, dad, and the kids need to share information among themselves. Despite the importance of getting it right, the phenomenon of “broken telephone” still persists. For instance, you recently had a call with the dentist regarding your daughter’s next appointment, but you can’t recall the date. Additionally, there was an address for your son’s sleepover pickup, and your spouse just called you about items on the grocery list. If your family had a personal AI assistant during phone calls, life would undoubtedly be simpler.

  • 1 - Live Transcript

    Audio transcribed in real-time within carrier network to ensure privacy and security.

  • 2 - Ai Summary

    You personal assistant able to transform long conversations into short actionable items.

  • 3 - Saved Transcript

    Ai summaries and call transcripts are saved and conveniently accessible through your Call Logs.

*Family Bot currently available on VERSE MESSAGES for Android, coming soon to iOS & Web.